In the UK, homes are responsible for approximately 28 per cent of carbon dioxide emissions. Carbon Dioxide is a major contributor to climate change.
Domestic emissions are created from the use of energy for heating, hot water, cooking, lighting and using electrical appliances.
To meet the UKs international commitments and tackle climate change, we all must significantly reduce energy reiated emissions in homes.
The world depends on us reducing our impact on the environment
As fossil fuels begin to run out, sustainable or renewable energy sources, Like wind and solar power, are becoming increasingly important - and they're not just something for the Government and energy companies to think about. Renewable energy can be a practical and environmentally friendly option for nearly every household it is renewable energy? This is energy from sources at won"t run out, such as wind, sunshine and water -unlike fossil fuels, such as oil, natural gas and coal, which have limited supplies.
The costs of fossil fuels - Between 2003 and 2005, crude oil prices have more than doubled. Gas prices have followed suit. Fundamentally, there is no real reason why this development should change. As supplies of fossil fueis are limited and it is becoming increasingly expensive to recover the remaining stocks, the price for crude oil and gas will probably continue to rise in future. However, the costs for producing energy from thermal sources in the environment will not. A choice now for the technology of the future is a solid foundation for your future energy supplies. But this is not just a choice for the environment - it is also one that will save you a lot of money.
Free sustainable power - the future
The environment is full of power.
You have to go as Low as -273°C until it is not possible to obtain energy.
With the aid of heat pumps, solar panels and wind turbines its possible to harvest some of this free natural energy. Measured over a year its possible to get nature to give you around half of your heating costs free. |